The lack of blogs in September

I haven’t stopped, just slowed down. September for me was a lot of work and a lot of poker.
Beards and moustaches
I did make photos at the World Beard & Moustache Championships in Brighton at the beginning of Sep. The build up was fun but I left 5 mins after the event actually started. I guess it was just too much beard for someone who isn’t a beard enthusiast. I was thoroughly impressed by the facial hair on offer. The photos I did take were mostly crap (my fault not theirs) hence no blog article on that. Here are some shots anyway.
Ah, 9am in Brighton. Beautiful.
Outside the Brighton Centre, host of the World Beard & Moustache Championships 2007. Not sure what’s going on here.
Don’t ask. I have no idea why they are standing on pillars with a Banjo.
Boat party
5 days after the hairfest there was a boat party at work to celebrate 40 years in business. I made photos at the last party we did…
…The Arab was supposed to join me for the party but had to leave the country due to a family bereavement. I decided to ditch the camera and consume copious amounts of alcohol instead.
Joe Rogan
No excuses here. I said I’d take photos when I went to see his standup but decided to leave my cam at home on the night.
UFC 75
I brought my camera, however security would not let me take it into the event because the lens was longer than 24mm (35mm). It was just my bloody rangefinder! They locked it away. Bastards.
DSEI is basically an arms expo that takes place at the ExCeL Centre in London. People come from all over the world to show off their new ways of slaughtering humans. Last time saw massive protests and all kinds of mayhem; this time the police were on overkill and throttled almost every facet of the protest. No photos taken….
Except for this one.
Recently I haven’t felt like making photos at protests in London. They are largely all the same and I don’t want to be pigeon holed as a guy ‘who takes photos at protests’. DSEI was an exception because things get pretty crazy; people trying to drive tanks into the expo and such.
Anyway there’s a protest regarding Burma on the weekend that Tanya is persuading me to attend. I’ll probably pop down with my canons and see what’s up.
Really looking forward to Tallinn now. I’ve been speaking to some Estonians this week, people I’ve never spoken to before and they’re inviting me to their cities and offering me places to stay in houses and farms (I like farms). Very hospitable people!
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