When to act

Last night after work, I was on the bus home when a man came down from the top of the bus.. I was sitting at the back. The man was approaching everyone, though mainly the women, and begging for 35p for ‘a bag of sugar’.
Being a man
He was obviously a drug addict, a fact I didn’t really have a problem with; some people make the wrong choices in life. The problem was he was deliberately getting into the personal space of women and trying to intimidate them into giving him money by briefly putting his hand on their knee, and I didn’t do anything about it.
He did this to one woman who was sitting near the door but I couldn’t see from where I was at the back. Then he tried the same thing with the girl sitting next to me, who shrugged his hand off of her knee. I said to myself if he tries that again to any woman on this bus I’m throwing him off the bus… He then approached the older lady by the door again and kept talking to her. She eventually gave in and went into her purse. I was very angry but I sat there staring at him and didn’t say anything. I should have stopped her giving him some money and thrown him off the bus but I just sat there and watched, infuriated. After she gave him money he sat opposite her and had a jolly conversation, though it was clear she was just being polite and wanted to be left alone. I just sat there and stared at him.
It was my duty to protect those women from this man and I failed them. Saying ‘if he does that again…’ is all well and good but I should have acted immediately. There will be no hesitation if a situation like this arises again.
Being a photographer
I work in property, and this year is going to suck for financial stability, but I’m going traveling anyway. I’d like to do the bull run again but none of my friends are willing to put themselves in front of large animals this year; I’m not sure if I’ll go there on a solo mission. I’m definitely going to Amsterdam & The Hague to see Pete in China Holland. I am also going to France; any other suggestions are welcome. Also, my makeshift developing guide will be here as soon as I get T-money to model for the photos.
Being a friend
Too much time has been spent playing poker recently; not enough time spent with friends away from the poker table. This will not be the case in February so expect more frequent blogs again.
Being a model (!?)
I was recently an emergency Jacuzzi model for my local gym when one of their girls had to cancel, and you can now find my chiselled exterior being handed out at London Bridge Station.
I’m like Hasselhoff without the hair.
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