The decline of Jessops

Jessops announced yesterday it is to cut 550 jobs and close 81 of its 300+ stores. They’re issuing profit warnings due to a fall in the sale of digital cameras. I’m not sure if this is a good or a bad thing for photography in general. Yes it is bad for them but I don’t care about their corporate profits; I’m more concerned about the small independent stores, their profitability and survivial. Closing some of Jessops’ stores may lead to higher profits for the little people.
I buy everything I can from Silverprint now, a store in Waterloo that has absolutely everything you could want if you shoot film. They’re not open on the weekend however so there are times where I’ll go to Jessops.
It is quite bizarre, the things people put into search engines to end up on this site. Here are a few from this month:
bent neck
fat ladies
goats porn
photo gallery man gay
going to the zoo sex
It seems a lot of people out there are searching for ‘the sharpest knife in the world’, because that is consistently one of the most common search terms leading to my site. Maybe I should go on a photographic hunt for the ultimate kitchen knife..
Graveyard Cat
Graveyard Cat seems to be the most popular image in my gallery; people are hotlinking it evvverywheeeeeeeeeere. Here it is for those of you not yet besotted with it.
The photo is titled ‘I miss you’, which has lead numerous users on myspace (as well as other places) to leave Graveyard Cat messages to their dear friends. Aah.
Anyway I wanted to say thanks to the people who comment on the blog & gallery, the people who link to me and the people who put themselves on the map. The end of this month should be a blast, so expect some interesting blogs and gallery submissions!
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