The dirty beach

I’m going to Las Vegas on the 14th, so I’m leaving you with this random spurt of photos until I get back.
Pier near the Oxo Tower. A few guys make things in the sand when the tide goes out. They have a myspace if you’re interested: /dirtybeach. I should play chess with them next time.
Lunch with Tanya. Tanya is the most indecisive person on the planet. I don’t know how she makes it out of her front door every day.
‘Shall we go into this one! Hmm I dunno! What do you think? Oh you can’t make me choose! Oh I dunno…’ etc etc.
‘It’s too dark in that one!’. The next one will be too cold, the next one too warm, the one after that too student uniony, etc etc.
We were on a bus. Check out the ridiculous people on the left and right trying to hide from the shot.
Matt. Not sure what he is doing here.
We have two offices at work, he works in the residential office. They have a fish tank with two bastard parrot fish. We bought two little albino fishes and the parrots sucked their eyeballs out and waited for them to die so they could eat them. In retaliation I bought a massive iridescent shark to rule the tank. I’ll get a pic of it soon.
Around the city. Superia 400.
One of my friends on facebook joined a group called ‘I had African Parents So Im pretty sure my life was harder than yours’. I had a look at the front page comments by group members and this one made me laugh:
Israel Owolabi (Maryland) wrote at 6:45am on July 6th, 2007
my arms are fairly toned, but i think its from having to raise my arms in the corner for like 20 mins at a time lol, anybody have a mother who would grab their ears and start folding it like laundry? haha, the worst was when me and my brother messed up while we were outside and she made us wait for the beating, we did everything we were supposed to that day, even went to chuckie cheese so we thought she’d forget, man we got home and first thing she did was light us up with a wooden spoon lol
Viva Las Vegas…
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