The return of the Bessa R2M

Geeky stuff: Canon EOS 3, 35mm lens; Kodak PlusX, Agfa APX 100, Ilford HP5 +2. Colour photos taken with a Nokia N95.
Borough Market
Borough Market is quite popular with tourists now, and where there are tourists there are beggars.
Kerry had a chorizo, rocket & roast piquillo pepper burger.
I went for a big German Bratwurst. Look at the size of those things!
Kerry models the Bratwurst .
And then tries to hide behind it.
Later that day I went to UFC 85 and met this couple.
I think this shot is the beginning of the Matt Hughes – Thiago Alves fight.
Sleeping in public seems to be all the rage at the moment.
There is a plimsoll shop close to Brick Lane; I wanted to buy a pair or two for this guy but I couldn’t remember how to get to it.
Other bits
Speaking of brick lane, I bought a t-shirt from Sally can’t dance in the Old Truman Brewery. They sell shirts in Brick Lane / Camden Lock Market if you like their sense of humour.
Some artists were making a graffiti impression of an apocalyptic London.
Picnic on a random Sunday with Brandy. As Borough Market is not open on Sundays we got our goods from Spitalfields.
Bumped into James White and had a chat about Segways and security guards.
Return of the rangefinder
Finally my Bessa is back from Japan. Everything has been fixed and the viewfinder is clearer than the day I bought it! I’m so happy to have a film rewind handle again. Thank you Japanese people and Robert White for sending it!
In other news, Silverprint has started stocking ADOX black & white film, a roll of which is currently sitting in my Bessa. We’ll see how it comes out.
Until next time…
Posted in Friends, Street | 2 Comments »
June 23rd, 2008 at 12:51 PM
Nice street life scenes. If you ever fancy heading to China you will find plenty neough public sleepers to indulge your wildest fantasies on the subject.
Why’s this type of film so hot then?
June 29th, 2008 at 11:47 AM
We will find out!