The grass

Out with the Bessa & APX 100 again. I’m used to the camera now. I just wish the lens’ focusing ring moved faster so I could focus quicker. I guess I’ll have to fork out for the 35/2 Summicron.
On my way to work and my neighbours are going for a stroll…
Riding along the River Thames. You can’t really read it that small, but it says coffee shop. Scanner didn’t like the darkness here.
Treasure hunting
Since Romania joined the EU, a lot of young ‘uns have come to South England. This group wash car windows on a main road. Even if you say no, they’ll wash it and not ask for money. Bit of a hole in their business plan there.
The guy driving the Mercedes tried to stop her by driving forwards, but she ignorantly followed him and kept trying to wash the window. After making this shot her friend came over and started shouting at me – hard to have a conversation with someone who speaks four words of English. “Why? Give me money.”
This one could benefit from their service.
Towards the end of last week, the middle of Trafalgar Square was covered in grass.
Mike Ramsden, BBC London News.
This guy is walking around barefoot on bird shit. He’d give tourists seeds to feed the flying rats, then demand £1 from them.
Guy walking around with a huge snake.
Met this crazy fool for lunch.
I have to crouch down to fit her in the frame properly. Bloody small people. Ok she’s not even small, the problem is I’m 6″4.
Had dinner with the ever ridiculous Ewa.
We were on the bus and this granny was eyeing me up from across the road. She waved goodbye when the bus started moving again.
Going home and the police are testing a bomb detection device at Pimlico station. I think that is what it is. This lady is lucky she’s not carrying a bomb. She could have been arrested.
I left my ipod in Ewa’s bag when we had dinner so I went to pick it up the next day. Can’t go riding without an ipod.
Ewa’s tired morning face
Checking exposure. Sometimes I press the shutter by accident.
Tanya was using my EF 35mm lens. It’s not USM and she likes the noise the autofocus makes.
She had her first Wagamama experience today.
We went to the Tate Modern. They had some weird stuff going down this long weekend. On one side of the turbine hall you could find three people sitting by a piano, with an audience sleeping, having a picnic, reading a book or meditating.
On the other side was a carousel with a long line of toffee apples. People were allowed to eat the apples after 3pm.
Back to work tomorrow. Bah.
Posted in Events, Friends, Street | 8 Comments »
May 30th, 2007 at 11:54 AM
some really nice shots there!
love that expression from the woman reading the london paper… wonder what gossip it was that provoked that.
May 31st, 2007 at 12:26 PM
I simply love the one of the two guys in their sleepingbags.
June 1st, 2007 at 2:11 PM
Your blog has been included in our new guide.
Please keep us informed of any changes to it.
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June 4th, 2007 at 9:27 AM
You know, even though I live in Asia, I really miss Wagamama.
June 4th, 2007 at 8:18 PM
like london paper photo. :) you probably know, is it allowed to take pics in metro? i ask myself this everytime, when visiting lnd. but never have problems … if i did …
June 4th, 2007 at 8:54 PM
Hi Maja, yes you can take pics on the underground (metro) – tourists take snaps all the time, but if you want to walk around the station taking photos then you need to ask permission from the station manager. This is because of security, with the London bombings etc. They will normally say yes :)
If you take photos without asking you won’t get in trouble, maybe a member of staff will say ‘you have to have permission’ but that is it!
Flash photography is not allowed on the platforms.
June 4th, 2007 at 9:12 PM
thanks for this.. yes is better to ask – that is good to do most of the times -, also the pics are better, cause you’re relax … :) i should think before … cause it is logic.
June 21st, 2007 at 8:09 AM
James, this is looking brilliant
Great pictures of the fam.
I was wrong, you DO have humour!
call me when you can we should go out~
Il scour through this some more, a lot of info on a little site~