The pool hall

October 16th, 2006 by James

Some shots of friends, and the singing handyman.


Brian in pool mode.


Pete and Brian.

Thumb wars. Or something.

This guy drives around London in this van to promote his business. Bubbles continuously fly out of his van, and he sings while he drives, his voice booming out of speakers somewhere on the van. This man is a legend. I may one day contact him and do a little photo-story for the blog.The bubble man.

Posted in Friends, Street | 2 Comments »

2 Responses

  1. Jordan Says:

    Awesome photographs.

  2. 3.1 Says:

    Jesus Christ. That guy and his van – he was going around Trafalgar Square one time and all the tourists went absolutely mental and tried to chase the damn thing for a quick photo.

    Sometimes he plays music – lively music.

    Thanks for the visual feast.