The NUJ protest

Saturday 14th October
Shot with EOS 3 (Tri-X & Neopan 400) and the 20D.
Saturday 14th October saw the NUJ protest outside the Russian Consulate in response to the murder of Russian Journalist Anna Politkovskaya. We attended to show our support and document the event with our cameras.
Tanya at the protest.
‘We remember, we grieve, we demand the truth.’
A protester voices his concerns.
The plan was to protest the embassy’s entrance on Kensington Palace Road, but the police would not let us go there; they told us to stand across the road from the public entrance around the corner. You know, I think these rules on protesting stink. Protesting across the road is ridiculous.
We all agreed it was ridiculous and decided to go and protest on Kensington Palace Road anyway.
No photography allowed on Kensington Palace Road. Oh well.
The petition, the wreath, the Russian embassy.
Soon after this. Jeremy Dear (NUJ General Secretary) placed the wreath on the gates of the embassy. The police then kicked us off K.P. Road before I got my shot of the gate. Looking back now I should have taken a photo of them stopping me instead.
The police blocked our path back onto Kensington Palace Road.
This policeman came over to stop us taking shots of K.P. Road. He singled me out and got in my face while the security guard removed the wreath from the embassy fence. I really wanted that shot, but I got the distinct feeling I’d be arrested if I continued. So instead I stood there and stared at him to hold him up while Tanya & another photographer stood behind him snapping away.
The signs were then removed. They are returned to us shortly after this photo, and we placed them around the corner at the embassy’s public entrance.
‘We demand the truth about Anna’s death’.
Public entrance to the Russian embassy.
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