The woes

Can’t get the staff these days.
My Nikkor 35mm f/2 is broken – kind of. When connected to my FM, changing the aperture makes absolutely no difference to the light meter, which is annoying.
I can shoot without a meter in any case. It took me over a year to work out what the light meter thing was on my 20D… before that I experimented, then learned to judge well. But since I have understood what it is, I can’t help but look at it.
I wish I could turn it off on my 20D. Film is different, though. Experimentation costs money. I took a few test shots without the help of the light meter thinking I’d screw them up, but they were all (but one) spot on.
APX100 is a really nice film. Prints look a WHOLE lot better when you get them in a professional lab, rather than Jessops.
Thanks to Cath for giving me some fresh batteries for the light meter. Check out her page on deviantARSE, she’s got some nice shots in the pipeline.
If you are wondering where the ‘duck debacle’ is, i’m not going to bother writing it.
Basically the entire event was rubbish, and went completely tits up. One particular parent claimed the winning ducks were picked out at random (I also heard the particular radio conversation and think this was actually the case), and was making a lot of noise about it. I was standing there watching, she kept looking at me, so I took photos, they were a load of bollocks, and so we move on.
Not much of a story anyway. I don’t want to rain on a charity’s parade; they held an event, the ballsed it up, I’m not going to persecute them for that. Even though I paid for two ducks. Bastards. I wanted to go to New York!
I hate losing.
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